Who is Pieter Hogenbirk?
Pieter was rector of the Helen Parkhurst Dalton School from January 2008 until August 2014. He published some papers about the development and implementation of ICT-use in this secondary school (link).
After this period he retired from office but stayed involved in ICT-consultancy, program-management and internationalization at schools.
At this moment he is chair of the Union for Nature, Life and Technology, an interdiciplinary subject in secondary schools (link).
He is program manager of ICTs in the cloud, an extracurriculair program for kids to develop their ICT skills (link).
Before he was an inspector of education since 2000, with special duties in the field of ICT in education. He was chair of the IFIP-Working Group 3.1 and involved in a number of Dutch, European (eTwinning) and Unesco projects. From 1988 he was project manager of more than 100 projects on ICT in education. In 1997 he was appointed as national process manager for integrating ICT in education on behalf of the Dutch Government.